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Author Guidelines

Guidelines for Contributors

Manuscript Preparation
The manuscript should have a title, list of authors, abstract, body, conclusions, acknowledgement (if necessary) and references. The language of the journal is English. The manuscript should be typewritten in a single column, single space, and with 11pt size Palatino Linotype font using Microsoft Word. The manuscript should be prepared on A4-sized pages (21 x 29 cm) with top, left and right margins of 30 mm and bottom margins of 25 mm. All pages should be numbered consecutively starting from the title page. The total length of the manuscript should not be less than 3000 words or exceed 8000 words. 

The abstract should not exceed 200 words (italic) and no abbreviation should appear. The abstract must be accurate as a reflection of what is in your article. The abstract summarises the objective, method, findings, and conclusion. There should be no citation of the references in the abstract.

The required keywords of the manuscripts are only up to a maximum of 5 words (italic) and they should be placed directly below the abstract.

SI unit must be used and the manuscript should be self-consistent as to symbols and units that should be properly defined.

Tables must be numbered consecutively along with a brief title. The number of the table should be cited in the text.

All equations must be clearly typewritten and special symbols must be properly identified. Equation numbers should appear in parentheses and be numbered consecutively. All equation numbers must appear on the right-hand side of the equation and should be referred to within the text. Authors should use the following sequences of parenthesis[]. The author should use Microsoft Equation (Insert | Object | Create New | Microsoft Equation).

Diagrams, pictures and charts are to be referred to as “Figure(s)” and should be numbered consecutively in the order in which they are referred. Preferred file types: TIFF, EPS, PDF or Microsoft Office files.

The JMET uses IEEE Citation Reference (please refer to this manual for details). The references should be numbered and cited in the text using square brackets in the following manner [1, 3-5]. A list of references should be provided under the section on references

The acceptance manuscript 
After the editorial board agrees to proof the manuscripts, the manuscript will then be sent to the corresponding author for final correction. After done the correction, the manuscript should be returned to the editorial board within 7 days. If the manuscript not be returned in this duration, the editorial board do not accept the manuscript for the publication issue.  

Cost of publication 
The manuscript selected to publish in this journal is free of charge.  

Length of acceptance manuscript 
The maximum length of manuscripts is 12 pages including all text, tables, figures, references and appendices. Each page of the manuscript should be numbered, starting from the title page.  

Publication Issues 
The publication issues for this journal are twice a year in June and December every year.


JMET template is available at:

JMET template (.docx)


Copyright Notice

JMET Copyright Principles
JMET seeks to retain copyright of the articles it publishes, without the authors giving up their right to use their own material.


The manuscript is neither been published before, nor is it under consideration for publication in any other journals. It contains no matter that is scandalous, obscene, libelous or otherwise contrary to law.

Terms of Acceptance 

When the article is accepted for publication, the authors shall hereby agree to transfer to the Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology, all rights, including those pertaining to electronic forms and transmissions, under existing copyright laws, except for the following, which the author(s) specifically retain(s):

 All proprietary right other than copyright, such as patent rights.

  1. The right to make further copies of all or part of the published article for my/our use in classroom teaching.
  2. The right to reuse all or part of this material in a compilation of my/our own works or in a textbook of which I/we am/are the author(s).
  3. The right to make copies of the published work for internal distribution within the institution that employs me/us.

The authors agree that copies made under these circumstances will continue to carry the copyright notice that appeared in the original published work. The authors agree to inform any co-authors, if any, of the above terms. The authors certify that they have obtained written permission for the use of text, tables, and/or illustrations from any copyrighted source(s), and they agree to supply such written permission(s) to Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology upon request.


Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.


PRINT ISSN No.: 2180-1053
E ISSN No.: 2289-8123