The Conceptualisation of Strategic Talent Management for Oil and Gas Companies in the UAE

I. Al Hammadi, S. Sidek, S.A. Al-shami


Issues concerning the workforce have been a concern in the Oil & Gas sector, in which the UAE is one of the leading global players. Most local companies heavily depend on foreign experts' knowledge and skills for their competitive advantage. In this case, job roles localisation (Emiratization) has become imperative, and efforts need to be made to lure the local workforce to be part of the local companies. Therefore, there is a need to propose a Strategic Talent Management (STM) so that the local employees can contribute productively to the country's economic growth. This study aims to address the issues of the shortage of the skilled domestic workforce by proposing an STM practice to enhance job performance among local employees in Oil & Gas companies of the UAE. In the initial investigation stage, this paper presents the conceptualisation of strategic talent management and its relationship to job performance. Drawn from the analysis of the existing literature, dimensions of strategic talent management that have a relationship with job performance have been identified, namely, career development, talent attraction and selection, talent acquisition, talent recruitment and mentoring and coaching. The conceptualisation of strategic talent management will be used as the construct for further investigation of the role of strategic talent management that can enhance the job performance of the local employees in the oil and gas companies in the UAE.

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