Automatic Leg Cramps Relief Device

M.M.M. Aminuddin, F.S.A. Rahim


A sudden contraction of calf muscles that can leave pain and soreness for an hour. The purpose of this paper is to apply the TRIZ approach in designing an automatic leg cramps relief device. The method is based on the study of TRIZ Engineering Contradiction and Contradiction Matrix. The study showed two possible elements that can be used for this project, heat and vibration. The effect of heat and vibration on the contracting muscle was analyzed by reading the surface Electromyography (EMG) signal on the calf muscle. Before the analysis, participants were requested to perform a few leg exercises to make the calf muscle tense. The result indicated that heat treatment can reduce EMG muscle reading while the vibration is vice versa. In conclusion, the heat can give some relaxation to the contracting muscle.

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