The Influence of Green Marketing Mix on Consumer Purchase Intention Towards Green Products

N.A.S.A Sabri, N. Mansor, H. Musa


Today, the whole world is experiencing environmental problems such as climate changes, global warming and ozone depletion. All the problems have eventually led to disruption and losses for businesses. To ensure smooth operations, businesses are starting to shift their business model favouring towards producing environmentally friendly products. The right marketing strategy will persuade customers to purchase the product offered. Therefore, green marketing is recommended to be used as part of the strategy to guarantee green product purchases among customers. However, the use of green marketing can influence customers are still widely in need of exploration and research. Hence, this paper aims to look into and explore the acceptances of green marketing mix that influence consumer purchase intention towards green products. The study examined green marketing elements towards purchase intention. A total number of 150 responses are analysed to find the acceptances of green marketing mix by using regression analysis. The result indicates that the green marketing mix has positive impact towards customer purchase intention.

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