A Review: Adoption Implementation of E-Procurement in Organization

S.N.M.S.A. Rahman, M.S.M. Radzai, N.S. Hamdan, H. Musa


Abstract— Electronic procurement or E-Procurement is a method for requisition for goods and services in organization throughout the internet. An E-Procurement is a part of the supply chain and its enables suppliers to sell their products and services. This study will identify factor influence the E-Procurement in an organization. Findings of this study demonstrate most organization responds agreed to implementation of E-Procurement in their business transaction towards give positive impact into organization. E-Procurement as useful tool to improve their selling efficiency, simplify their selling process, increase their administrative saving, increase their job performance and job productivity and improve their management system. In another view in this study, it has been noticed that in the present business condition, clients are demanding for better value in their investment. The utilization of E-Procurement demonstrates that implementation of E-procurement in organization currently endeavoring to address the clients’ needs.

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ISSN : 2590-3551, eISSN : 2600-8122     

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