A Framework to Investigate the Use of MYeHalal Online System

S. Arif, N.A. Bakar, S. Sidek


MYeHalal system is a system developed to facilitate the application of halal certification in Malaysia. However, the competency of the system has become questionable as some of the applicants choose to hire consultants rather than applying for the certificate themselves. Thus, this situation has led applicants to spend unnecessary charges and wasting their own time instead of committing to apply the certification on their own. Therefore, the objective of this paper is to propose a framework to investigate the use of MYeHalal system using actor-network theory (ANT). ANT is used as a lens to identify the important factors that have influenced (facilitate or restrict) the usage of the system, also understand the ways, in which the technical actors and social actors interact with each other as they struggle to facilitate or restrict the halal certification application process via the use of the MYeHalal system. Further, a more user-friendly, efficient and better performing MYeHalal system could be developed to improve the users experience when they are applying for their halal certificate.

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