The Effect of Social Network Sites on the hotels’ Innovation capabilities and performance. A review paper

Abdulhadi Al-Hammadi, Samer Ali Al-shami, Safiah Sidek, Abdulla Al-hammadi, Muliati Sedek


Social Network Sites SNSs plays an important role in knowledge transfer which can be used in several applications. The past literature paid attention to the role of SNSs on communication and social relationship management in general and marketing activities such as promotion in particular. However, SNSs are important sources of knowledge that can be used not only in social network management or marketing activities but also in the development of innovation capabilities of the firms. Recently, few studies indicate that SNSs are important sources for innovation development and firm performance, but with slight explanation in how SNSs influence innovation capabilities. Therefore, this study aims to explain the role of SNSs on innovation capabilities and Hotels performance. This study also intends to propose a framework that explains the interaction between SNSs and hotels innovative activities and performance.

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