The Relative Importance of Computer Self-efficacy, Perceived Ease-of-Use and Reducing Search Cost in Determining Consumers’ Online Group-buying Intention

R. Jeng, S.M. Tseng


In order to shop in the online groupbuying
(OGB) websites, consumers should
have a certain ability to utilize computer and
the Internet. Therefore, this study explores the
relative importance of computer self-efficacy and
perceived ease-of-use in determining consumers’
OGB intention. Moreover, different from the direct
online shopping, OGB would allow the group of
consumers to get a special discount, and incentives
for saving money are more likely to characterize
the major concern of consumers’ engaging in
OGB. This study thus further explains the effect
of reducing search cost on OGB intention. The
result shows that computer self-efficacy has an
indirect influence on customers' intention to use
OGB through the mediation of perceived ease-ofuse;
while, reducing search cost is an important
factor that directly affects customer' intention
to use OGB. This approach provides valuable
suggestions that allow OGB vendors to enhance
customers’ OGB intention.

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